The fall season is upon us, and we have several projects and activities in the next 90 days that will require our best efforts.

First of all, on Saturday Oct 22 at 9:00 a.m. we will finish our annual roadside cleanup. If we have a good turnout, it only takes about an hour so please commit to come and help us, and don't forget to bring as much help with you as you can.

Second, we will again be organizing a dictionary project to present every third grade student in Madison County with their very own dictionary, courtesy of the Rexburg Rotary Club.  Our meeting time on Oct 22 will be reserved to put our club sticker in the books any ready them for the students.  Delivery to the schools will be coordinated the following week and the more club representation we have, the greater the impact on the kids and teachers.  Remember, we want everyone to know and remember what our Rotary Club is about.

Then as you know, we are organizing a major fundraiser that could really allow us to do a lot of great projects in the next couple of years. The Rexburg Rotary Club will present the Harlam Ambassador Show Basketball team to Rexburg on Friday, November 18 at the new Madison High School gymnasium. David Bell is in charge of organizing our efforts, but he will need the help of every club member to make the most of this fantastic opportunity.  Please commit yourself to arrange sponsorships, be a sponsor, take tickets, sell tickets, or help with advertising - we need everyone to do something. Please talk to David to see how you can get involved, or volunteer your ideas and expertise. I anticipate that this will be an excellent signature event that our club could do over and over again.

In December, we will again have the opportunity to help the Goodfellows organize and distribute food to needy families in the area. We will also volunteer to ring the Salvation Army bell at local businesses to help in their fundraising activities during the holidays. More information will be forthcoming on these two events.

I am grateful to serve with you as this wonderful organization of Rotary combines the efforts of everyone to magnify the impact of our efforts to spread humanity and friendship here at home, and throughout the world. I urge you to thoughtfully determine what you can do to help, and then truly commit to follow through on your resolve. Together, we truly can make a difference.


Tim Kershaw, President