Title | Author | Date | |
SLIDE THE CITY June 25, 2016 | Posted by ian martinson | on Apr 28, 2016 |
![]() We're using VolunteerSpot (the leading online signup and reminder tool) to organize our upcoming activity.
Please sign up for Rexburg Rotary Slide the City! Here's how it works in 3 easy steps: 1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on VolunteerSpot: 2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on VolunteerSpot) 3. Sign up! Choose your spots - VolunteerSpot will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy! Note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually. |
SLIDE THE CITY VOLUNTEER SIGN UP 2015 | Posted by ian martinson | on Jun 11, 2015 |
![]() Rexburg Rotary Club is looking for help for our upcoming Fundraiser Event on July 11, 2015. We are in need of VOLUNTEERS!!!!
Please click on link below to sign up and help support our club.
Thank you,
Ian Martinson
President 2014-15
2014 Christmas Party | Posted | on Mar 17, 2015 |
Christmas Party 2014 was a blast.
Slide The City Fundraiser | Posted | on Dec 11, 2014 |
![]() We have a date for Rexburg Rotary Club Fundraiser!! JULY 11, 2015
Opportunity to Help Rotary | Posted by Alex Vaterlaus | on Dec 11, 2013 |
I received this email this morning and felt it was a great opportunity for our club to continue providing service at an international level. Rotary is in the middle of a competition to win 10 million United Airlines travel miles. The email below provides the details.
A Warm Welcome to Our Newest Member | Posted by Alex Vaterlaus | on Aug 26, 2013 |
![]() Alex Vaterlaus was inducted into the Rexburg Rotary Club on August 1, 2013. |
A Special Guest Comes to Help Celebrate Independence Day | Posted by Alex Vaterlaus | on Jul 04, 2013 |
Princewill, from Nigeria, came and helped us celebrate Independence Day.
Tickets For The Harlem Ambassadors Show | Posted by David Bell | on Nov 08, 2012 |
The Ticket Widget on our website is not working - Sorry! Please go to to get your tickets. Thank you!! |
Back by popular demand - The Harlem Ambassador Basketball Team | Posted by Tim Kershaw | on Oct 23, 2012 |
On Saturday, November 17 at the Madison High School gym, The Harlem Ambassadors will be back again! This event is sure to please folks of all ages, and promises to be even better than last year as the Ambassadors keep imporoving their show year after year. For less than the price of a movie, you can enjoy a fun filled evening of live entertainment while helping the Rotary club serve our community. Tickets can be purchased at Broulims, Rexburg Chamber of Commerce, Beehive Federal Credit Union, Zions Bank, Key Bank, at the door, or on-line from this website. Tickets on sale now. Show starts at 7 p.m. - we look forward to seeing you at the ball game.
Rotarians pick up after themselves....and others | Posted by Tim Kershaw | on May 12, 2012 |
On Saturday, May 12 members of the Rexburg Rotary Club cleaned their stretch of Interstae Highway 20 just north of Sugar City. Club members reflect on the first time we cleaned this section - it took most of the day and many truckloads to remove all the trash. Through consistent bi-annual cleaning efforts the amount of trash in this section has been reduced to about 20 orange bags, which took 10 participants just over an hour to collect. Weather was very nice (which is usually not the case). Thanks to all those who assisted in this project. If you missed it, you will have another chance in October.
Blankets for Madison Memorial Hospital | Posted by Tim Kershaw | on May 11, 2012 |
On Friday, May 11 representatives from the Rexburg Rotary Club and Upper Valley Industries presented Madison Memorial Hospital with hand made blankets. It is our hope that these blankets will provide comfort for children at the hospital. Our thanks to Rexburg Rotary Club president-elect Darla Wilson for organizing this event. We also thank all club members who participated in this experience.
Blankets for Family Crisis Center | Posted by Select Member | on May 11, 2012 |
On Friday, May 11 delegates from the Rexburg Rotary Club and Upper Valley Industries presented these hand made blankets to the Family Crisis Center in Rexburg. This newly opened facility provides much needed food, shelter, and emotional support for local families struggling with domestic hardships. We hope these blankets will provide comfort to the children involved in these difficult situations. Club president-elect, Darla Wilson has headed up this effort for the past several years. We thank her specifically, and all of those who participated in any way in this wonderful experience.
Blankets for Comfort | Posted by Tim Kershaw | on Apr 02, 2012 |
These cute cozy fleece blankets were crafted with love at the Rotary Rotary Club meeting last Thursday. When complete, they will be donated to the Madison Memorial Neonatal Intensive Care Unit as well as the Family Crisis center to provide a source of comfort for children facing some difficult times. This effort is headed by Darla Wilson, club member and director of Upper Valley Industries, who also assisted in this project. We appreciate the efforts of everyone who took time to serve these youngest members of our community.
Harlem Ambassador Basketball Show | Posted by Tim Kershaw | on Nov 22, 2011 |
Wow! - the people just kept coming. The Harlem Ambassador show was a huge success. Over 1,700 persons came to enjoy this night of comedy and fun play. There was something for everyone to enjoy. We received great coverage in the Rexburg Standard Journal, and local radio stations. We offer our sincere thanks to all the club members and other volunteers who helped organize this event. We could not have done this without you. Rotarians live by the motto "Service Above Self", and the funds generated from this event will allow the Rotary Club to be involved many great service opportunities. We look forward to having the Harlem Ambassadors back again.
Rotary Club Presents Wreath at Veterans Day Program | Posted by Tim Kershaw | on Nov 15, 2011 |
The Rexburg Rotary Club was honored to present a memorial wreath at the annual Veterans Day Program on Friday, November 11. Rotarian Judge Greg Moeller offered the opening remarks. What a wonderful way to bring in the Thanksgiving and Christmas season as we gave thanks for those who have served, and continue to serve our Country. More than 10 years ago, Rotarian Lynn Archibald envisioned the construction of the memorial that provided the backdrop for this program. We are immensely proud of Lynn, the Rotary Club, The City of Rexburg, and many other service organizations that contribued to this magnificent memorial located on the southeast corner of Smith Park in Rexburg. |
Dictionaries for all Madison County 3rd grade students | Posted by Tim Kershaw | on Nov 14, 2011 |
On November 10-11, members of the Rexburg Rotary club presented every 3rd grade student in Madison County with their very own dictionary. Each year for the last 3 years, the club has reached out to these students to express the importance of a commitment to education. Students learned how fortunate they are to have the learning opportunities afforded them. They were challenged to get as much education as possible so that they would be able to give back to their own communities, wherever that may be. They learned about the commitment of Rotary to finish the task of eradicating Polio in the four remaining countries where Polio still devestates thousads of children about their age. The children were so excited to receive this gift, and their teachers assured us that they will put them to good use this year. We hope these students will continue make learning a part of their lives. Thanks to school administrators and teachers for allowing us to spend some time with these wonderful young citizens (and hopefully future Rotarins). |
Roadside Cleanup | Posted by Tim Kershaw | on Oct 22, 2011 |
![]() Blessed with great weather, members of the Rexburg Rotary Club and helpers completed their roadside cleanup on Highway 20 north of Sugar City on Saturday. Long time Rotarian, Jerry Rigby sports his sweet orange vest as one of a crew of 24 who assisted in this effort. This is an ongoing project done each spring and fall to help keep our roadways beautiful. We have not always had such great weather, but we will take it when we can! Thanks to all who participated. |
Coming to Rexburg! The Harlem Ambassadors Show Basketball Team | Posted by Tim Kershaw | on Oct 07, 2011 |
On Friday, November 18 at the new Madison High School gymnasium, the Rexburg Rotary Club will present a show you will never forget. The Harlem Ambassador Show Basketball Team will provide an evening of entertainment that will amaze you. Their clean show emphasises staying in school and staying off drugs. That, along with the message of Rotary ("Service above Self") is something our youth need to hear over and over again. The home team will be comprised of some of the best basketball talent in our area. Proceeds from the event will go to help the Rotary Club fund the many projects they do in our community each year. So come and enjoy and evening of fun, wholesome entertainment and serve your community at the same time. Tickets are $8 for 18 and older, $6 under 18, $30 for a family of 6, and children under 4 are free. Prices will be slightly higher at the door. Tickets will go on sale Friday, Oct 28 at the following outlets: The Rexbrg Chamber of Commece, Broulims, Beehive Federal Credit Union, Key Bank, and Zions Bank. You won't want to miss this! |
Fall Presidents Message | Posted by Tim Kershaw | on Oct 06, 2011 |
![]() |
Welcome Ian Martinson | Posted by Tim Kershaw | on Oct 06, 2011 |
The Rexburg Rotary Club welcomes
Broulims manager Ian Martinson as
the newest member of the club |
Helping with Relay for Life | Posted by Mark Willis | on Jun 25, 2011 |
The Rexburg Rotary club pinched hit for another group who could not make it to Relay for Life. Mark Willis was happy to get up at 5am on a Saturday morning to help the Relay for Life people out by helping to cook breakfast. Relay for Life broke their record of last year by raiseing over $45,000. Way to go Relay for Life!
4-Way Test Scholarships Awarded | Posted by David Scott | on Jun 09, 2011 |
On May 23, 2011 David Scott represented the Rexburg Rotary Club and awarded two scholarships each worth $250 towards the college of the recipients choice. The scholarships were awarded to Kim Eckman and Justin Ricks, both of Sugar/Salem High School. Kim left the next day to work on a dude ranch in Wyoming and Justin was available to attend Rotary on June 9, 2011. There is was kind enough to talk for a moment to the club and thank the club for the scholarship. Justin is planning on going to BYU-I this next fall and then to serve a mission for the LDS Church. After his mission he plans to move forward in obtaining a degree in dentistry. |
Ambassidorial Scholar Awarded to Local Girl | Posted by David Scott | on Jun 09, 2011 |
Tiara Lusk was awarded the Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship on June 8, 2011. This scholarship is worth $26,000 for her to study in a foreign country. Tiara is leaning towards Tel Aviv in Jerusalem. She would study conflict resolution and integration and segregation of schools. We are very proud of her and we are excited for her to realize her dreams. Tim Kershaw will be her mentor along with David Scott as the backup. Each year the Rotary District 5400 awards an Ambassadorial scholarship. Let us as a club continue to search for the right candidate to represent our club each year. Tiara Lusk will be a good representative of the Rexburg Rotary Club, Congratulations Tiara.
Rexburg Rotary Club & Upper Valley Industries Donate Blankets to Madison Memorial NICU and The Family Crisis Center | Posted by David Scott | on Jun 07, 2011 |
On June 7, 2011 the Rexburg Rotary Club and Upper Valley Industries (UVI) joined together to donate blankets to Madison Memorial NICU and the Family Crisis Center of Rexburg. This community service has become a annual event for the Rotary Club and UVI. We were able to provide 12 NICU blankets and 20 full size blankets to the Family Crisis Center. At Madison Memorial Hospital a group of about 20 people were there to donate the blankets. Channel 8 news and the Standard Jounrnal were there to record the event. See the Thursday June 9, 2011 Standard Journal article and the News cast . Thank you for caring for our community in a way that can be so comforting.
Chamber of Commerce Awards the Rexburg Rotary Club Service Club of the Year 2010! | Posted by David Scott | on Mar 10, 2011 |
February 8, 2011 David Scott recieved a call from Donna Benifield, president of the Chamber of Commerce notifying the Rexburg Rotary Club that they have been named Service Club of the Year. The award will be presented at the Merchants Banquet held at the new Madison school gym. We will have at least three tables for all those who would like to sit with the Rexburg Rotary Club. Let's show Rexburg how united we are as a club and that we love our community. Below, we have three pictures of the event including a picture of Lynn who was honored with the 2010 Lifetime Achievement award. Way to go Lynn!! I am so proud of our club and the work and service that all of you do that help our community. Thank you, David Scott |
Rexburg Rotary Club is Sponsoring the 2011 4-Way Test Scholarship Contest | Posted by David Scott | on Feb 17, 2011 | |
District Rotary "YOU TUBE CONTEST" on the Rotary 4-way Test!! | Posted by David Scott | on Jan 28, 2011 | |
Rexburg Rotary Club Awarded District Simplified Grant | Posted by David Scott | on Jan 13, 2011 |
The Rexburg Rotary Club has been awarded a District Simplified Grant in the amount of $500. This money will be used to make blankets with the help of Upper Valley Industries (UVI). What a great opportunity for us as rotarians to be of service to the Family Crisis Center and Madison Memorial Hospital NICU. |
Quote of the Week - Who Said It? | Posted by David Scott | on Dec 07, 2010 |
We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world.
Thought for the Week - Who Said It? | Posted by David Scott | on Dec 07, 2010 |
An optimist is the human personification of spring.
District Governor Marianne Barker Comes to Visit | Posted by Alex Vaterlaus |
We had the pleasure of hosting our District Governor and District Governor Elect come and spend a few moments with us. Marianne Barker shared her feelings about Rotary and her aspirations for the coming year, for the district. |